Aerial Captures are a new way to look at the Viewpoints in Horizon: Forbidden West. They show how the Old Ones spent their last days in the Burning Shores.
In Horizon: Forbidden West, as you move through the Burning Shores, your Focus will sometimes pick up a signal. By following the signal from the air, you can find old records of a soldier who fought against the machines as part of Enduring Victory in a last stand.
Aloy’s skill to ride flying machines is put to good use in these Aerial Captures, which also give a great view of the ruins from above. Like the Viewpoints in the Forbidden West, they give you a look into the world of the Old Ones, this time into their last days.

Northwest of Fleet’s End, there is an island with the ruins of Fandom Zone, a shop that sold pop culture items. Fly your Sunwing around to the southeast side of the house and use the machine’s power to break the metal clamp in the wall. Behind it is an antenna. Check it out, then fly your Sunwing to the nearby starting point.
If you fly away from where the transmitter is, the flight line will be behind you. The best thing to do is to fly past the starting point and come in from the far side.
Follow the flight path through the Widemaw and Glinthawk lairs. Don’t fight, just fly straight through to keep the signal from going out. The walk will take you farther to the northwest, to the entrance of Heaven’s Rest, which is just below the Hollywood sign.

The westernmost island of the Burning Shores is constantly hit by storms. If you land on or fly over the island’s surface for too long, lightning strikes will do a lot of damage.
Fly to the west side of the island and use your Focus to look for the flight path of a Stormbird. Mark the path, and then follow it as it spirals up into the storm clouds.
When you go into the sky, the Stormbird will attack you from time to time. After two close calls, it will kill your Sunwing on the third hit, knocking you down so it can finish you off.
Kill the Stormbird to make the clouds move away, and then take parts from it. Remember that acid damage is bad for Stormbirds, and if you can destroy the gun on their chests, they become much weaker.
On the eastern side of the island, there is a campfire, and in the shallow water just off the beach, there is a safe full of treasures. Collect the items, save at the campfire, and then use your Focus to find the transmission to the southwest. It’s in a small building with a door that’s not locked. Check it out, take what you want from the safe in the room’s corner, and then leave.
You’ll need a new flying horse now that your Sunwing is dead. There are Sunwings on the top of the cliff in the middle of the big island west of Fleet’s End, as well as a few other places in the Burning Shores. If you don’t mind waiting through a few loading screens, you can also fast travel back to the Forbidden West and use the nest near the Base to replace one.
If you stay away from the island until you can take control of Waterwings, you’ll have a lot more choices for changing your mount.
When you get a new mount, go back to the island and follow the flight path of the emitter. From up here, there aren’t any clouds or rain to block your view of the destroyed seaside park.

Go to the middle of the northern edge of the map, which is almost directly north of the western Lancehorn Site.If you’ve finished The Stars in Drift Boss, there will be a Devotee Camp nearby, so beware of armored baddies!
Get to the top of the cliff and look for the signal from the emitter. Read the paper next to it and take the chest above it, since there’s not much reason to come back here after you’ve done the Aerial Capture.
Once you have everything, fly back to where it all began. The flight path follows the road below, which goes west. If there are still Devotees on the ground, they may shoot at you as you pass.
A sharp turn to the southeast happens about two-thirds of the way to Heaven’s Rest. As you fly through their area, a flock of Sunwings may attack you. Just keep flying so you don’t lose the signal.
The flight path comes to an end at the ruins of Capital Records, where the Devotees have set up another camp. If you haven’t done so already, you can get rid of this camp once you have the Aerial Capture skill.

A Rollerback Site is on the northeast-most rock before you get to the main land. On the northwest shore, there is a Shelter. Go there, turn on your Focus, and look for the signal coming from the hill just behind the beach.
Climb or fly into the ruin on the hill. There are two chests and the transmission inside. One of the chests is in a corner where you have to crouch to open it. Check it out, and then take off.
Fly over the Rollerback Site in the middle of the island to start the video. The flight path takes a winding path to the northeast, over the lava flow and the ruined houses of Hollywood. When you get the capture, you will end up on the shore, just north of the island.

Fast Go to the campfire by the lava next to the secret entrance to Cauldron THETA. Walk west along the path, and as soon as you pass the first house on your right, turn left. The antenna will be in another ruin at the edge of the cliff.
This flight line doesn’t start anywhere near the transmitter. To start the recording, you’ll need to fly south to the edge of Pangea Park. This means you can’t co-llect this Aerial Capture until you’ve finished For His Amusement as part of the main plot, or you’ll just get shot down.
The flight path takes you on a tour of Pangea Park. If you’ve finished the side quest Pangea Figurines, the holographic fireworks over the central plaza make it even more impressive.

This Aerial Capture is close to Fleet’s End, but it won’t show up until you have all five others.This one doesn’t need to be hunted because it will just show up on the map after Aloy sees the last signal.
Go to the south side of the big island in the middle, near the lake that runs up the middle. Because there is a campfire close by, it is easy to Fast Travel here. There’s a crashed helicopter on the beach right next to the campfire. The flight path starts right above the wreck. And you don’t have to look for a radio to get it going.
This flight path goes almost straight north through the wreckage of downtown Los Angeles. At the northern shore, you’ll see the final Aerial Capture and get a Trophy. The Sea Star dye pattern, and the Specter Mandible face paint design!
Aloy might say that there is another signal after this one. But that is a bug; the South Aerial Capture completes the task.