In V Rising, you use waygates to move quickly around the map. Here, you can find out where all of the game’s Waygates are.
Waygates are used to quickly move around the map in V Rising. This lets you get to new bosses and materials. You have to find a Waygate before you can use it for the first time. When you find it, it will show up on your map as a possible place to move to.
It can be hard to find every Waygate on a map that is very big. We’re happy to be here to help. We’ll talk about every Waygate on the map in this tour. First, let’s look at how to use the gates and what things you can bring through them.
Using A Waygate

You can only go to a waygate if you are already at another gate. This covers the different gates around the map as well as the Waygate you made. You will need the following things to make a Waygate.
- 100x Blood Essence
- 20x Gem Dust
- 12x Stone Brick
- 4x Grave Dust

You can put your Waygate in your base with these items. When you talk to the base, a menu will pop up that lets you travel to other Waygates on the map. Not everything can be moved through the gate. If you are holding something that can’t be teleported, the map won’t show up when you use the gate.
Non-Teleportable Items

Iron can’t be moved by teleporting. This is also written in the item description.
Most of the time, you can’t teleport valuable items and books of information.Items like ingots, hides, and ingredients for making clothes will say in their descriptions that they can’t be moved.
You can still teleport armor, guns, potions, coins, and basic resources, which is good news.
Materials for study can also be teleported. This includes things like paper, tablets, and plans. In older versions of the game, you couldn’t move these things, but now you can quickly farm for them by going through a Waygate.
We suggest putting a chest close to your home Waygate so you can quickly store items that can’t be teleported.
Farbane Woods Waygates

In the Farbane Woods, there are two Waygates. When you first start the game, you will go through either the east or west opening to the woods. These are at the bottom of the map, and you can visit a close Waygate.
The other two Waygates are close to boss fights early in Eggy Car game. Close to the Bandit Armory, there is a Waygate on the left side of the map.Here is where you can find Greyson the Armorer. The Waygate on the right side of the Farbane Woods is close to the Bandit Trapper Camp, where Keely the Frost Archer can be found.
Dunley Farmlands Waygates

There are also four Waygates in the Dunley Farmlands. In the south of the map, near where the Farbane Woods start, there are two gates. On either side of the Haunted Iron Mine are these gates. The one on the left is close to Mosswick Village.
In the north of the map, you can find two strong bosses and two Waygates. The northwest gate is close to Raziel the Shepherd, a boss at level 57 who can deal Holy damage.
Near the Bastion of Dunley, where you can find Octavian the Militia Captain, is the last Waygate in the area. This boss is also level 57, and he is surrounded by other Militia members, making him even more dangerous.
Silverlight Hills Waygate

In the Silverlight Hills, there is only one Waygate. This gate is in the north of the area, right next to all the important places.
But if you go west for a short distance, you can find the Sacred Silver Mine. Sir Magnus the Overseer, a boss at level 66, can be found in this dangerous place.
Cursed Forest Waygates

There are two Waygates in the Cursed Forest. The Waygate on the left side of the map is close to the entrance to the area. It is also close to the northern part of the Dunley Farmlands.
The Spider Cave and the Lair of Behemoth are close to the gate on the right side of the map. Gorecrusher the Behemoth and Ungora the Spider Queen can be found in these two places.
Ungora is a boss with a level of 63, which is pretty strong. Gorecrusher the Behemoth, on the other hand, has a level of 83, which makes him a force to be reckoned with.
Gloomrot Waygates

Last but not least, there are three Waygates in Gloomrot. This area is split into two parts, which are called North and South. Near the bottom of the map is a Waygate that leads to both parts of Gloomrot.
The Gloomrot South entrance gate is near the Dunley Farmlands, while the Gloomrot North entrance gate is near the Silverlight Hills.
The last Waygate in the area is right below the Trancendum Power Plant in the middle of the north. Here is where Voltatia the Power Master can be found. This boss is level 77, and she is guarded by enemies who are just as strong as she is. They can kill you quickly before you even get to her.